Attention High Prairie Farms and Timbers residents:

Attached is important information regarding browning and damaged trees in our neighborhood. The sudden cold snap last fall has caused extensive damage to the areas pine trees and a few of the most damaged trees may not survive.

Please also be aware that April and May is the best time of year for preventative spraying of pine trees to help deter the most common insect pests (Ips, pine beetle, etc.) common to our area. The District recommends preventative spraying of all high-value landscaping trees within the District. Beside the weather related damage discussed above, drought and insect damage are the single greatest threats to our community forest.

High Prairie Farms Metro District



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Mission Statement

HPFMD was established to provide a mechanism for efficiently financing, through the use of tax dollars, the maintenance of parks, open space, medians and assist Douglas County with snow removal, which facilitate and sustain the aesthetics and encourages the growth in the market values of the property in the District such as High Prairie Farms/Timbers Subdivisions.


High Prairie Farms Metropolitan District (HPFMD), a quasi-municipal corporation, was organized on May 5, 1986, and is governed pursuant to provisions of the Colorado Special District Act. The District was established to provide public services, including streets, safety protection, transportation and park and recreational facilities.