The District’s wildfire mitigation contractor recently completed a mitigation project in the Timbers Filing 26 between Shade Tree Lane and Windhaven Drive. This area was one of the final priority treatment areas identified by the District in conjunction with the guidelines and recommendations described in the Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP). Since 2010 the District has budgeted over $370,000 for wildfire mitigation as well as $159, 000 for other forest and tree health management Although most or all of the District’s priority areas have been treated, much of the Timbers, Pinery and High Prairie Farms area will continue to be categorized as at risk for wildfire due in part to the number of homes with little or no defensible-space, home landscaping choices and unmaintained natural vegetation (grasses and native brush) on private property.

The District plans to continue its maintenance efforts in its open space. The ongoing maintenance of the District’s open space will be required to maintain the progress already achieved including additional wildfire mitigation. Not unlike the Brooklyn Bridge, tree spraying, dead tree removals, pruning, brush mowing and weed management by the District will still be necessary to maintain what has already been mitigated.



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Mission Statement

HPFMD was established to provide a mechanism for efficiently financing, through the use of tax dollars, the maintenance of parks, open space, medians and assist Douglas County with snow removal, which facilitate and sustain the aesthetics and encourages the growth in the market values of the property in the District such as High Prairie Farms/Timbers Subdivisions.


High Prairie Farms Metropolitan District (HPFMD), a quasi-municipal corporation, was organized on May 5, 1986, and is governed pursuant to provisions of the Colorado Special District Act. The District was established to provide public services, including streets, safety protection, transportation and park and recreational facilities.